
22 December 2017

Great service without the exploding product list

How can you offer great service without an exploding product list? Meeting an increasing number of customer needs from a growing list …
30 November 2017

Blogging, scraping, Google Analytics and traffic impact

Do you write a blog? How does it fit with your marketing and content strategy? How does your blog impact new traffic …
5 November 2017

Machine learning for new location selection

Location selection is key to offline business growth. A large amount of resource is usually involved with site screening, location visits, analysis, …
20 October 2017

Machines are not taking your analyst job!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) does not replace analyst roles. It adds to capabilities of analysts, and productivity of the wider team. Machines need …
27 September 2017

Your differentiation is your data

Sophisticated modelling can seem daunting for many organisations wanting to become data centric. Do you have huge databases full of data with …
15 September 2017

Hello World!

Starting out on the Algospark blog.
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