Super powering your analytics team

4 July 2021

Ever thought you could get more of your analytics team? Most businesses rely on the analytics team having a great understanding of how the business generates value. They also assume they generate the best insights using the best data that they have. But are you enabling them with the best tools and processes?

Many organisations are still taking Excel file dumps from SQL databases and then painfully pulling together periodic management reports. Management do not like the time required to prepare reports (reporting lag),  and analysts are frustrated by the process of pulling together reports. This is before we even consider the potential for data errors and data inconsistencies to creep in.  

At Algospark, we use a fast track framework to help super power analysts and reporting systems. Our Core Insights framework helps analysts move from process enablers to insights specialists.

Core Insights is designed to move analytics from reporting to insights. We do this through automated procedures and prioritisation of key impact drivers. Once this framework is in place, analytics teams can move beyond Excel. Your analysts will spend more time on insights. It will also enable them to quickly move into the realm of predictive analytics (what will happen?) and prescriptive analytics (what should I do?).

Our Core Insights service not only focuses on enabling processes and systems, but also the skills and capability of your analysts. We help analysts move beyond Excel to deepen their data skills in SQL, R and Python.

Get in touch! Let us help you super power your analytics team. Contact us at

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